发布:是个好人 / 时间:2021-03-29
在线编辑 历史版本


概要:歌曲名称《爱情的故事Where Do I Begin 》,曲调:1=C,节拍:4/4,苍强曲谱还提供了《爱情的故事》相关的其他格式曲谱搜索与制作。

歌词段落:Where do I be gin/ to tell the sto ry of how great a love can be/ the sweet love sto ry that is old er than the sea the sim ple truth a bout the love she brings to me/ Where do I start/ With her first hel lo/ she gave new mean ing to the emp ty world of mine/ There'd nev er be an oth er love, an oth er time She came in to my life and made the liv ing fine/ She fills my heart/ She fills my heart/ with ve ry spe/cial things with an gels' songs,/ with wild im ag in ings/ She fills my soul/ with so much love that an y where I go/ I'm ne ver lone ly/ With her a round, /who could be lone ly/ I reach for her hand. /It's al ways there/ How long does it last/ Can love be meas ured by the hou rs in a day/ I have no an swers now but this much I can say I know I'll need her till the stars all burn a way/ and she'll be there/ 我将怎样说; 我怎样把这爱情故事向你讲; 甜(蜜的)爱情是比那大海更久长 我遇到一位多情善(良的)好姑娘; 就是这样; 我们一相见; 她使我空虚心灵感到很温暖; 再没有别的人们 能使我留恋 若生活有了她就变得更美满; 她充(满我)心; 她充(满我)心; 带来了歌;声;像天(使歌) 唱;带来了欢;笑;像小(鸟飞)翔; 带来爱 情 假如我到天边;我也不寂寞;有她同行; 谁还会孤单;有她在身边;随时陪伴; 相爱有多长;难道说爱情能用时间来计量; 加入我对你的爱 一定是这样 我们将相爱直到海枯石;烂; 海枯石烂;
