发布:是个好人 / 时间:2016-08-17
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Big Big World发布时间:2016-08-17

概要:歌曲名称《Big Big WorldEmilia演唱》,作曲:Emilia,曲调:1=C,节拍:4/4,苍强曲谱还提供了《Big Big World》相关的其他格式曲谱搜索与制作。

歌词段落:I'm a big big girl in a big big world It' nota big big thing if you lea- ve me but I do do feel that I too too will miss you much;; miss you; much...;;;; I can see the; first leaf fall- ing it's all; yellow; and; nice;; It's so very;; cold outside;;;;;;; like the way;; I'm; feel-; ing; inside;; I'm a Outside;; it's; now; raining; and tears; are falling; from my; eyes;;; why did it have to; ha- ppen;;;; why did it all; have to; end; I'm a I have; your arms;; around; me; warm like fire/ but when I o-/ pen my eyes/// you're gone...// I'm a big big girl in a big big world It's/ not a big big thing if you lea- ve me but I do feel/// that I will// miss//// you mu-/ch miss you/ much.../

曲谱:1x2x|:3333x4x|222 2x3x|1111x2x|3.2x21x2x|3333x4x|\n2222x3x|(3x21x)00|0x3=(2=2x)((2x3x)3x1x2x)|\n\n[1:\n{omit:i}|03x4x 3x (2x2)|2x32x1-|01x(1x1-)|(3x2x)(2=1=)((2x2x)3.)|\n03x2x 2x(1x1)|2x((2x2x)(1x1=)2=3=2= 3)|0 2x2x (2=1=5,x)(1.x1=)|\n(3=2=)(2=1=)1x(2x3)1x2x\n]:|\n\n[2:\n{omit:i}|0(3x(2x2-))|2=2=(3x3x)2x1-|01x(1x5,x)5,x (5,x5,x)|\n3x(2x1x)((2x2x)(3x3))|02x2x1-|2x(2x3x)2x 1.x2= 3=2=3x|\n02x2x 1x(1x5,)|3x(2x1x)(2x3)1x2x\n]:|\n\n[3:\n0 4x(4x4)3x(2=3=|2.)(1x1x)(2x2)|3--2x(2x|1-)00x3x|\n44x(5x5x)3x 3x (2=3=|23)01x(1x|1---$|1--)1x2x\n]:|\n\n{1:D}{o5f:G}{o12f:G}\n3333x4x|222x 2=2=2x3x|1111x2x|\n3.2x21x2x|3.((5x5x)3=2=) 3=2=(3=(2=|2))0x(3x2=1=5,=5,=)5,x(2x|1.)1x\n00|3.(3x2)(1|1---)|||