发布:幸福平安 / 时间:2020-11-10
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Beatiful In White发布时间:2020-11-10

概要:歌曲名称《Beatiful In White》,曲调:1=C,节拍:4/4,苍强曲谱还提供了《Beatiful In White》相关的其他格式曲谱搜索与制作。

歌词段落:Not sure if you know this But when we first met I got so ner vous I coul dn't speak In that ve ry mo ment I found the one and my life had found this mi ssing piece So as long as I live I love you Will have and hold you You look so beau ti ful/ in/ white/ And from now to my ve ry last breath This day I'll che rish You look so beau ti ful/ in/ white/ To night What we have is time less My love is end less And with this dream I Say to the world You're my eve ry rea son you're all that I be lieve in With all my heart I mean ever y word So as long as I live I love you Will have and hold you You look so beau ti ful/ in/ white/ And from now to my ve ry last breath This day I'll che rish You look so beau ti ful/ in /white/ To night You look so beau ti ful/ in/ white/ so beau ti ful/ in/ white,/ To night And if our daugh ter is what our fu ture holds I hope she has your eyes Finds love like you and I did Yeah, //if she falls in love I will let go I'll walk her down the aisle She looks so beau ti ful/ in /white/ You look so beau ti ful/ in/ white/ So as long as I live I love you Will have and hold you You look so beau ti ful/ in/ white/ And from now to my ve ry last breath This day I'll che rish You look so beau ti ful/ in/ white /To night You look so beau ti ful/ in /white/ To night
