歌词段落:I ain\'t like no one you met be fore/ I\'m run ning for the front/ when they\'re all run ning for the door/ And I won\'t sit down won\'t back out/ You can\'t e ver shut me up Cause I\'m on a mi ssion and I won\'t quit now In a world full of fo llow ers I\'ll be a lea der In a world full of doub ters I\'ll be a be lie ver I\'m step ping out with out a he si ta tion Be cause the ba ttle\'s al rea dy been won I\'m sold out/ I\'m/ no long er li ving just for my self/ Run/ ning af ter Je sus with my whole heart/ And now I\'m rea dy to show/ I am sold out I\'m sold out/ With eve ry sin gle step that I/ take now/ With eve ry drop of blood left in my veins I\'m/ go nna be ma king it count/ I am sold out sold out No tri als co ming a gainst me// could put a dent in my pa ssion/// They\'re just an o ppor tu ni ty// to put my faith in to ac tion In a sold outThis ain\'t just some tem po ra ry phase/ You can\'t/ face this kind/ of grace and leave the way you came/ This is per ma nent with in tent and there won\'t be no stop ping it now I\'m on a mi ssion and it\'s hea ven sent In a world full of fo llow ers I\'ll be a lea der In a world full of doub ters I\'ll be a be lie ver I\'m step ping out with out a he si ta tion Cause my soul/ is (like a) sta/ di um///////////////////////////////////////////////////////world full of fo llow ers I\'ll be a lea der In a world full of doub ters I\'ll be a be lie ver I\'m step ping out with out a he si ta tion I ain\'t got no thing (left to) be a fraid of