歌词段落:I feel so ;un sure; As I take your hand; And lead you to the dance floor As the mu sic dies; Some thing in your eyes;; Calls to mind a sil ver screen; And all its sad good byes; I'm nev er gon na dance a gain; Guil ty feet have got; no rhy thm Though it's ea sy to pre tend; I know you're not; a fool; I should have known bet ter than to cheat a friend/ And waste the chance that Ive/ been gi ven So I'm nev er gon na dance a gain/ The way I danced/ with you// way I danced/ with you oh/ To night the mu/sic seems so loud/ I wish that we /could lose this crowd May be it's bet/ter this way If We'd hurt each oth er with the things we want to say/ We could have been/ so good to geth/er We could have lived/ this dance for ev/er But now who's gon na dance with me Please stay// Time can nev/er mend// The care less whis/pers// of a good friend To the heart and mind/ Ig nor ance is kind// There's no com fort in the truth// Pain is all you'll find/
曲谱:{play:A B C1 A B C2 B C2}\nA:\n3x3(2x2x)1(5dx|5d)000x5xx5xx|\n34x(2x2x)5dx1x5dx|\n3217d|0x5dxx7dxx1x2xx(3xx3)0|\n0x5dxx7dxx1x5dxx((5xx5x)4x)0|\n3x4x3x4x3x4xx(3xx3x.)1xx|\n3217dx.(5dxx|5dx)\n{f:auto}\nB:\n0xx1gxx1gxx7xx7xx7xx7x5xx(5xx5)|\n1gx5x1gx5xx(2gxx2gx)1gx7x5x|\n0x5xx1gxx1gx7x7x5xx(5xx5x)0xx5xx|\n7xx7x(7xx7xx)5xx(5x5)0x.5xx|\n1gx1gxx1gxx1gxx7xx7xx7xx7x5xx(5xx5x)0xx5xx|\n1gx5x1gx5xx(2gxx2gx)1gx7x5x|\n0x1gxx1gxx1gxx7xx7xx7xx7x5xx(5xx5x.)5xx|\nC1:\n7xx7x(5xx5xx)7x.((1g7)|5)-00|\n\n\nC2:\n7xx7x(1gxx1gxx)2gx.3gx(2gx1gx)0xx3xx|\n3gx2gxx(2gxx2gx)1gx2gx1gxx(1gxx1gx.)5xx|\n3gxx2gx(2gxx2gxx)1gx.2gx1gx5|\n1gx1gx0x1gxx(2gxx2gxx)2gxx1gx1gx1gxx5xx|\n7xx5xx7xx5xx7xx5xx7xx5xx7x1gxx(2gxx2gxx)5x.|\n3gxx2gx(2gxx2gxx)1gx.2gx1gxx(1gxx1gxx)5x5xx|\n3gxx2gx(2gxx2gxx)1gx.2gx1gxx(1gxx1gxx)5x5xx|\n5g.5gx4gx3gx4gx3gx|\n3g-2g((1gx2gxx2gxx))|||