发布:妙啊 / 时间:2020-10-25
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Candle in the Wind发布时间:2020-10-25

概要:歌曲名称《Candle in the Wind》,曲调:1=E,节拍:4/4,苍强曲谱还提供了《Candle in the Wind》相关的其他格式曲谱搜索与制作。

歌词段落:Good bye england s rose May you e ver/ g row in our hearts You were the gra ce/ that pla ced it self Where/ li ves were to rn apart/ You called out to our coun try/ And you whi sper ed to tho se in pain/ Now you be long to/ hea ven And the stars spe ll out your name/ And it see ms to me/ you lived/ your life Like a can dle in the wind/ Ne ver fa ding with the sun set When the rain set in/ And your foot ste ps will al ways fall// he re/ A long/ en glands g ree nest hills Your can dles bur ned out long/ be fore/ Your le gend ne ver will// Good bye england s rose May you e ver/ g row in our hearts/ You were the gra ce that pla ced i t self Where/ li ves were to rn apart/ Good bye englands// rose From a coun try lo st with out// your soul/ Wholl miss the wings of your com pa ss ion More than you ll e ver know/ And it seems to me you lived your life Like a candle in the wind Never fading with the sunset When the rain set in And you footsteps will always fall here Along englands greenest hills Your candles burned out long before Your legend never will

曲谱:\n{play:A B A B C B}\nA:\n7xx7x.5x7x75xx5xx7xx5xx|\n5xx2gxx3gx3gxx4gxx3gx3gxx2gxx2gxx2gxx((2g)@3gx2gxx)1gxx|\n2gxx5xx5xx5xx5x.7xx1gx7xx7xx5xx5xx(3x|\n3)00x.1xx5xx5xx1gxx1gxx|2gxx(2gx.2g)05xx5xx7xx5xx|\n\n3x3xx3gxx3gx4gxx3gxx3gxx2gxx2gxx2gxx3gx2gxx1gxx|\n2gxx5x.0x7xx7xx1gx.7xx5xx5xx5xx(3xx|3)00\nB:\n0x7xx1gxx|\n2gxx2gxx2gxx(2gxx2gx.)5xx2gxx2gx2gxx2gx7xx1gxx|\n2gx2gx2gxx2gxx(5x5)0x3xx4xx|\n5x5x5xx5xx553xx3xx|(4)@3x2xx(2xx2)00x5dxx5dxx|\n5xx5xx5xx5xx5xx7x((1gxx1gxx)7xx)7xx(5xx5xx)5xx5xx5xx|\n5x5x5xx1xx3x30x.5dxx|\n3x3x4xx5x3xx(3xx2xx)2xx(2xx2)|\n\n00x.5dxx5dxx1x.1xx2xx((5dx|5dxmu)5d.)00|\n\nC:\n{1=bB}\n{f:bG4}\n7xx7x.5xx7x.75xx5xx7xx(5xx|\n5xx)2gxx#3gx3gxx4gxx3gx3gxx2gxx2gxx2gxx(2g)@3gx2gxx1gxx|\n2gxx5xx5xx(5xx5x.)7xx1gx7xx7xx5xx5xx5xx(3xx|\n3)000|7xx7x.5xx(7x.7xx)7xx5xx5xx7xx1gxx2gxx5xx|\n5x5xx(3gxx3gx)4gxx(3gxx3gxx)2gxx2gxx2gxx2gxx2gxx3gx|\n2x2gxx5xx5x5xx7xx1gx.7xx5xx5xx((2)@3x|3)