发布:有风 / 时间:2017-02-15
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Five Hundred Miles发布时间:2017-02-15

概要:歌曲名称《Five Hundred Miles离家500里》,曲调:1=C,节拍:4/4,苍强曲谱还提供了《Five Hundred Miles》相关的其他格式曲谱搜索与制作。

歌词段落:If you miss the train I'm on, You will know that I am gone, You can hear the whistle/ blow/ /a hundred/ miles./ A hundred/ miles, a hundred /miles, A hundred/ miles, A hundred /miles, You can hear the whistle/ blow// A hundred/ miles./ Lord, I'm one, Lord, I'm two, Lord, I'm three,/ Lord, I'm four, Lord, I'm five/ hundred/ miles// away/ from home./ A way from home, a way from home, a way from home, a way from home, Lord, I'm five/ hundred/ miles// away/ from home/ Not a shirt on my back, Not a penny/ to my name. Lord. I can't/ go back home/// this a way./ This a way, this a way, This a way,/ this a way, Lord, I can't/ go back home/ this a way./ If you miss the train I'm on, You will know that I am gone, You can hear the whistle/ blow A hundred/ miles.

曲谱:{ms:1.1} \n{play: A B B} \nA: \n5d1|3.3x2x1.|3-2x1.|2.3x2x1.|5d--5dx1x| \n2.3x2x1.|(5dx(5d.5dx))5dx5dx1x|(1---|1.) \n \n1x11| \n3.3x2x1.|3.3x2x1.|2.3x2x1.|5d--5dx1x| \n2.3x2x1.|(5xd(5d.5dx))5dx5dx1x|(1---|1)011| \n3-2x1.|(3-2x)1.|(2.3x)2x1.|5d--5dx1x| \n(2.3x)2x1.|(5xd(5d.5dx))5dx5dx1x|(1---|1.) \n \n1x11| \n3.3x2x1.|3.3x2x1.|2.3x2x1.|5d--5dx1x| \n(2.3x)2x1.|(5xd(5d.5dx))5dx5dx1x|(1---|1)011| \n3-2x1.|3-2x1.|2.3x2x1.|5d--5dx1x| \n(2.3x)2x1.|(5d(5d.(5d)5dx))5dx1x|(1---|1)011| \n3-2x1.|3-21|(2.3x)2x1.|5d--5dx1x| \n(2.3x)2x1.|(5d5d)05dx1x|(1---|1)-00| \nB: \n5d1|3.3x2x1.|3-2x1.|2.3x2x1.| \n5d--5dx1x|5d.5xd4xd3d.|2.d5dx5d*1*|(1---|1-|||)