发布:有风 / 时间:2017-06-01
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fly me to the moon(Eva)发布时间:2017-06-01

概要:歌曲名称《fly me to the moon(Eva)》,曲调:1=A,节拍:4/4,苍强曲谱还提供了《fly me to the moon(Eva)》相关的其他格式曲谱搜索与制作。

歌词段落:Fly me to the/ moon/ And let me/ play/ among/ the/ stars/ Let me see what/ spring/ is like On/ Jupiter/// and/ Mars/ In other/ words,/ Hold my hand In other/ words,/ Darling/, kiss me/ Fill my heart with/ song/ And let me/ sing/ forever/// more/ You/ are all I/ long/ for All I/ worship/ and/ adore/// In other/ words,/ please be true In other/ words/,I love you; In other/ words,/ Hold my hand In other/ words,/ Darling/, kiss me/ Fill my heart with/ song/ And let me/ sing/ forever/// more/ You/ are all I/ long/ for All I/ worship/ and/ adore/// In other/ words,/ please be true In other/ words/,I love you/ only/ you only/ you// Fill my heart with/ song/ And let me/ sing/ forever/// more/ You/ are all I/ long/ for All I/ worship/ and/ adore/// In other/ words,/ I love you In other/ words/,I love you/

曲谱:{play:A B1 A B2 C}\n{bpm:110}\nA:\n1g.7x5x(5x5x)(4x|4).5x5x(1gx1gx)(7x|7.)5x5x(4x4x)(3x|3)-00|\n554x(3x3x)(2x|2.)3x4(55)5#4x(3x3x)(2x2x)(1x|1)--\nB1:\n1#|\n25x(5x5)---1g7|5---|0007d|\n14x(4x4)-|0055|4.(3x3)-|\n1g.75x(5x5x)(4x4)5x5x(1gx1gx)(7x|7.)5x5x(4x4x)(3x|3)---|\n0(5x5x)54x(3x3x)(2x|2.)3x4x(5x5)|5#4x(3x3x)(2x2x)(1x|1)--1#|\n25(5x5x)-|001g7|3g---|0003g|\n3g1g(1gx1gx)-|001g2g|(1g---|1g)---|\nB2:\n1#|\n25x(5x5)---1g7|5---|0007d|\n14x(4x4)-|0055|4.(3x3)-|\n1g.75x(5x5x)(4x4)5x5x(1gx1gx)(7x|7.)5x5x(4x4x)(3x|3)---|\n0(5x5x)54x(3x3x)(2x|2.)3x4x(5x5)|5#4x(3x3x)(2x2x)(1x|1)--1#|\n25(5x5x)-|001g7|3g---|0003g|\n3g1g(1gx1gx)-|001g7|(1g---|1g)---|\n\nC:\n1gx7x1g-|1g2gx(3gx(4g)|4g)---|\n1g.75x(5x5x)(4x4)5x5x(1gx1gx)(7x|7.)5x5x(4x4x)(3x|3)---|\n0(5x5x)54x(3x3x)(2x|2.)3x4x(5x5)|5#4x(3x3x)(2x2x)(1x|1)--1#|\n25(5x5x)-|001g7|3g---|0003g|\n3g1g(1gx1gx)-|001g7|(1g---|1g)---|||\n\n\n\n\n