发布:是个好人 / 时间:2019-09-13
在线编辑 历史版本


概要:歌曲名称《今夜爱无限(狮子王)Can You Feel The Love Tonight》,曲调:1=bB,节拍:4/4,苍强曲谱还提供了《今夜爱无限(狮子王)》相关的其他格式曲谱搜索与制作。

歌词段落:难得在;忙乱;中找一份;清静,; 难得在;动荡世界上,;有片刻;安宁。; 难忘此;情此景,激动我;一生。; 不倦的;勇士盼的是你,;来和我;同行。; 今夜是否;感到;恩爱?; 当我俩;同在;。 这一刻,;;饱经风;霜的漂泊者, 心潮在澎湃。;今夜是否;感到;恩爱?;; 难舍难;分开。; 这一刻;;无论国;王;和乞丐;都永世难忘怀。; 这一刻;;无论国;王;和乞丐;都永世难忘怀。 天地间;变幻无穷,有如万;花筒,; 翻过来;它又转回去,;有枯也;有荣。; 游子渴;望回归,尽在情;理中,; 风雨后,;和你久别又重逢,两颗心;跳动。;There's a calm; sur ren;der To the rush; of day; When the heat; of a rol ling wind; Can be turned; a way; An en chant;ed mo ment And it sees; me through; It's e nough; for this rest less war rior; Just to be; with you; And can you feel; the love; to night?; It is where; we are; It's e nough;; for this wide;eyed ;wan der er That we got this far; And can you feel; the love ;to night;; How it's laid; to rest?; It's e nough;; to make kings; and ;vag a bonds; Be lieve the ver y best; It's e nough;; to make kings; and ;vag a bonds; Be lieve the ver y best; There's time for; ev ery;one If they on;ly learn; That the twist;ing ka lei do scope; Moves us all; in turn; There's a rhyme ;and rea son To the wild; out doors; When the heart; of this star crossed voy ag er beats in time/ with youers/
