发布:有风 / 时间:2020-12-21
在线编辑 历史版本

Let it Be发布时间:2020-12-21

概要:歌曲名称《Let it Be顺其自然》,曲调:1=C,节拍:4/4,苍强曲谱还提供了《Let it Be》相关的其他格式曲谱搜索与制作。

歌词段落:When I find my self in times of trou ble Moth er Ma ry comes to me Speak ing words of wis dom let it be// And in my hour of dark ness she is stand ing right/ in front of me Speak ing words of wis dom, let it be// Let it be, let it be; let it be,;;; let it be;; Whis per words; of wis dom, let it be;;; And when //// Let it be, let it be let it be, let it be//// Whis per words of wis/dom, let it be/// ///the bro ken heart ed peo ple liv ing in the world a gree There will be an an swer, let it be// For though they may be part ed there is still a chance/ that they will see There will be an an swer, let it be// Let it be, let it be; let it be,;;; let it be;; There will be/ an an swer, let it be///
