歌词段落:An empty/ street/ An empty/ house/ A hole in si de/ myheart/ I'm all/ alone/ The rooms are/ getting smaller////// I won der how/ I /wonder/ why I wonder/ where/ they/ are/ The days/ we had/ The songs we sang to ge ther//////// And all/ my /love We're holding/ on/ fo re/ver/ Rea ching for/ the love/ that see/ms so far So I say a li ttle p rayer Hope my dreams will ta ke me there/ Where the skies are blue;; To see; you on;ce a;gain; my love; O ver seas from coast to coast; Find the pla ce I lo ve the mo st Where the fie; l ds are green;;; To see you on ce a gain, ;;;;my love; I again To hold you in; my arms; To pro mi se; you my; love;;;; To tell you from; my heart;; You're all; I'm thinking of;; And reaching for; the love; that se ems; so far So I say a li ttle p rayer Hope my dreams will ta ke me there Where the skies are blue; To see; you on;ce a;gain; my love O ver seas from coast to coast Find the pla ce I lo ve the mo st Where the fie l ds are green; To see you on ce a gain, my love; I tried to read; I go to work; I'm laughing; with my frien ds But I can't stop;; To keep my self;from thin king;