概要:歌曲名称《Over The Rainbow飞越彩虹》,曲调:1=bE,节拍:4/4,苍强曲谱还提供了《Over The Rainbow》相关的其他格式曲谱搜索与制作。
歌词段落:Some where o ver the rain bow way up high There's a land that I heard of once in a lull a by Some where ov er the rain bow skies are blue And the dreams that you dare to dream re ally do come true Some day I wish up on a star And wake up where the clouds /are far be hindme/ Where trou bles smelled like lem on drops a Way a bove the chim ney tops That's where you'll find me Some where o ver the rain bow blue birds fly Birds fly o ver the rain bow Why then oh why can't I I If hap py lit tle blue birds fly be yond the rain bow Why oh why can't I飞跃灿烂的彩虹(直上)蓝天 那里有童话传说 (中的)仙境乐;圆 飞越灿烂的彩虹蔚蓝天 那里童年的梦想全都能实;现 我梦想有(一天)飞上星空 醒来发现脚下白云片片; 我忘掉人间烦恼痛苦 腾云驾雾遨游四海(快乐)似神仙 青鸟能飞越彩虹 舞翩翩为何 我不能把(我的)梦想;(予以)实现 现 青鸟能飞越彩虹 我为什么不能飞上蓝;天;