发布:我来了 / 时间:2019-04-20
在线编辑 历史版本



歌词段落:Met you by sur prise/ I did n't re a lize/ that my life would change/ for ev er/ Saw you stand ing there/ I did n't know i care/ There is some thing spe cial in the air/ Dreams are my re/ al i ty The on ly/ kind of real fan ta sy Il lu sions are a/ com mon thing I try to/ live in dreams It seems as/ if it's meant to be Dreams are my re/ al i ty A dif ferent/ kind of re al i ty/ I dream of lov ing/ in the night And lov ing seems/ al right Al though it's/ on ly fan ta sy If you do ex ist/ /Hon ey, don't re sist/ Show me a new way /of lov ing/ Tell me that it's true/ /Show me what to do/ I feel some thing spe cial a bout you/ Dreams are my re/al i ty The on ly/ kind of re al i ty May be my fool ish/ ness is past And may be/ now at last I'll see how/ re al thing can be   Dreams are my re/ al i ty A won drous/ world where I like to be / I dream of hold ing/ you all night and hold ing seems/ all right Pe rhaps that's/ my re al i ty Met you by sur prise/ I did n't re a lize / That' my love would change/ for ev er / Tell me that it's true,/ /feel ing that are new  / I feel some thing spe cial a bout you / Dreams are my re/al i ty A won derous/ world where I like to be Il lu sions are a/ com mon thing I try to/ live in dreams Al though it's/ on ly fan ta sy Dreams are my re/al i ty I like to/ dream of you close to me / I dream of lov ing/ in the night And lov ing seems/ all right Per haps that's/ my re al i ty
