歌词段落:Starry,/ starry/ night Paint your pal ette blue and gray Look out on a summer's/ day With eyes that know the dark ness in my soul Shadows/ on the hills Sketch the trees and the daffo/ dils Catch the breeze/ and the winter chills In colors/ on the snowy/ linen/ land Now I un der stand What you tried to say to me how you suff ered for your san i ty how you tried to set them free They would not lis ten, they did not know how/ Per haps/ they'll listen now Starry/, starry/ now For they could not love you But still your love was true And when no hope was left in sight/ On that starry,/ starry /night You took your life/, as lovers often/ do But I could've/ told you Vincent/ This world was never/ meant for One as beau ti ful as you Starry/, starry/ night Por traits hung in empty/ halls Frame -less heads on name less walls With eyes that watch the world/ and can't forget Like the strangers that you'vemet The rag ged men in rag ged clothes The sil ver thorn of bloo dy rose Lie crushed/ and bro ken on the virgin snow Now I think I know What you tried to say to me how you suff ered for your san i ty how you tried to set them free They would not listen/, they're/ not listening still/ Per haps they never/ will