发布:okok / 时间:2020-09-14
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So Far发布时间:2020-09-14

概要:歌曲名称《So Far》,歌手:Chris Garneau,曲调:1=A,节拍:4/4,苍强曲谱还提供了《So Far》相关的其他格式曲谱搜索与制作。

歌词段落:Light 'em up/ light 'em up Tell me where you are /tell me where you are/ The summer/ nights/ bright/ lights And the shooting/ stars //they break my heart I'm cal ling you now but you're not picking up Your shadows/ so closeifyou are still in love Then light amatch/light a match/ Ba by in the dark/ show me where you are/ Oh love How I miss you every /single day/ When I see you on those streets/ Oh love Tell me there's a river I can swim/ That will bring you back to /me 'Cause I don't know how to love someone else I don't know how to forget/ your face Oh love God I miss you every single day/ And now so far a way It's break ing me/ I'm lo sing you We were far from perfect// but we were worth/ it Too ma ny fights/ and we/ cried But ne ver said we're so/rry Stop saying you love/ me You're cal ling me now but I can't pick up Your shadow's/ too close and I'm still in love The summer's/ ov er now/some; It still breaks my heart; We could have had the stars; oh;;; Oh love How I miss you every single day; When I see you on those streets; Oh love Tell me there's a river I can swim; that will bring you back to; me 'Cause I don't know how to love someone else I don't know how to forget; your face Oh love God I miss you every; single day; And so far a way Oh; love; How I miss you every; single day; When I see you on those streets; Oh; love; Tell me there's a river; I can swim ;that will bring you back to ;me; 'Cause I don't know how to love some one ;else I don't know how to forget; your face;; Oh; love;; God I miss you every; single; day When you're so far a way
