发布:okok / 时间:2021-01-19
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Sometimes When We Touch发布时间:2021-01-19

概要:歌曲名称《Sometimes When We Touch》,歌手:Olivia Ong,曲调:1=F,节拍:4/4,苍强曲谱还提供了《Sometimes When We Touch》相关的其他格式曲谱搜索与制作。

歌词段落:You ask me if/ I love/ you/ And I choke/ on my/ rep ly Id ra ther hurt/ you hon/est ly/ Than/ mis lead you with/ a /lie And who am I/ to judge/ you On what you say or do Im on ly just/ be gin/ning// To see the real/// you And some times when/ we touch/ The ho nes tys //too much And I have to close// my/ eyes And //hide/ I wan na hold you till/ I die/ Till we both break down// and cry I wan na hold you till the fear// in me sub sides sides At times Id like/ to break/ you And drive/ you to/ your knees/ At times Id like/ to break/ through// And hold you end/less ly/ hold you till the fear in me/sub seides/ Ro mance and all/ its stra/te gy Leaves me bat tl ing with/ my pride But through the years/ se cu/ri ty/ Some/ ten der/ness /sur/vives Im just an o/ther writ/er Still trapped with in my truth A he si tant/ prize fight/er// Still trapped with in// my youthAt times I un/der stand/ you/ And I know/ how hard/ you try Ive watched while love/ com mands/ /you/ And Ive watched love/ pass/ you /by At times I think/ weare drift/ers Still search ing for a friend A bro ther or/ a sis/ter But then the pas sion flares// a gain

曲谱:{play:A B1 A B2 C1 A B2 C2} \nA: \n0x.4xx|3x5xx(1gxx1gx)5xx(5xx5x)(5xx5xx)0x5xx5xx| \n(5xx5xx)2gx(7xx5x)5xx50x.3xx| \n3x5xx(5xx5xx)3x(5xx5xx)7x(1gxx1gxx)0xx3xx3xx| \n2x(2xx2xx)(5xx7xx)(5xx5xx)50x.5xx| \n4gx4gxx(4gxx3gx)3gxx(3gxx2gx)2gx0x.5xx| \n \n3gx3gx2gx3gx1g0x.5xx| \n5x5xx(7xx7x)1gxx(5xx5xx)1gx.0xx5xx5xx7xx| \n \n1gx1gxx((2gxx3gxx)2gxx1gx)(1g)@2g0x.5xx| \n3gxx3gx.(3gxx1gxx)1gxx(4xx4)0x1gx| \n2gxx2gx((2gxx2gxx)7xx)5x50x5xx7xx| \n1gx1gxx((1gxx1gxx)5xx)(3xx2xx)2(5xx7xx5xx)(4xx| \n5)-00xx1gxx1gxx2gxx| \n3gx3gxx(3gxx3gxx)1gx(4xx4)0x7xx1gxx| \n2gx2gxx((2gxx2gx)7xx)7xx50xx3xx3xx3xx| \n4x1gx0x1gxx2gxx(3gxx2gxx1gxx)1gxx1gx0xx1gxx| \nB1: \n1g-0 \nB2: \n1g-00x.1gxx| \n2gx2gxx(2gxx2gxx)1gx(2gxx3gx)2gx0x1gx| \n(3gxx2gxx)2gxx(2gxx1gx)1gxx(1gxx1g)0x.1gxx| \n1gx1gxx(1gxx1gx)7xx(7xx7x)(5xx5xx5x) \n0xx5xx| \nC1: \n5x5xx(5xx5x)5xx(1xx2)0| \nC2: \n4x1gx0x1gxx2gxx3gx4gxx(3gxx2gx)0xx5gxx|(5g---|5g---)|||