发布:妙啊 / 时间:2018-02-04
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Take Me HomeCountry Roads发布时间:2018-02-04

概要:歌曲名称《Take Me HomeCountry Roads》,曲调:1=G,节拍:2/4,苍强曲谱还提供了《Take Me HomeCountry Roads》相关的其他格式曲谱搜索与制作。

歌词段落:Al most hea ven west vir gi nia Blue rid ge moun tains she nan doah; ri ver;; Life is old there old er than the trees Young er than the moun tains Grow in like a breeze Coun try roads; take; me home; To the place; I be long; West vir ;gi nia; Moun tain mo mma; Take me home; coun try roads; I hear her voice in the morn ing hours she calls;;; me the Ra di o re minds me of/ my home far a way And Driv ing down the road I get a feel ing that I shoul'd have been; home; Yes ter day/ Yes ter day/ Take/ me home/ coun/ try roads/ Take /me home/ coun/ try roads All my me mories ga ther round her Min ers; la dy strang er to blue wa ter;; Dark and du sty paint ed on the sky Mist y taste of moon shine Tear drops in my eyes

曲谱:{play:A B A B C B B D}\n{bpm:95}\nA:\n5dx5dx|:5dx5d.|05dx5dx|5dx1.|02x2xx2xx|32|\n5dx5dx(5dx5dx)|5dx(1.|(1)-|1)5dx5dx|5d5d|5dx1x1x3xx0xx|\n3-2x2x2x2x|32|5dx1x1x2x|1\nB:\n1x2x|\n(3-|3)(3xx2xx)1x|(2-|2)3x2x|(1-|1)3x5x|(5-|5)5x(5xx3xx)|5x(3.|\n3)2x1x|2x(3.|3)2x1x|(1-|1)1x2x|(1-|1)\nC:\n0x1x1x1x|7d1x2x|3x.3xx3x3x|(3xx2xx2xx1xx)1x.1xx|\n4x4xx4xx4x4x|3x(2xx1xx)1|23|3x22x|3x.3xx3x3x|\n2x.2xx2x2x|1x.1xx1x1x|1x1xx(1xx|1xx)(1xx1x)|2x3x(2|\n2)2x3x|(4-|4)\nD:\n(3xx2xx)1x|(2-|2)(3xx2xx)1x|\n(1-|1)(3xx2xx)1x|(2-|2)(3xx2xx)1x|(1-1.)0x|||