歌词段落:I was dan cing with my dar ling to the Ten nes see/ Waltz/ When an old friend I hap pened to see/ I in tro duced her to my loved one And/ while they were/ dan cing My friend stole my sweet heart from me; I re mem ber the night and the Ten nes see Waltz Now I know just how much I have lost/ Yes, I lost my lit tle dar ling The /night they were/ play ing The beau ti ful Ten nes see Waltz/ I re Ten nes see Waltz我和爱人,正在尽情跳着,田纳西/(圆舞曲,)/ 一位友人她突然光临。/ 我向/爱人,介(绍,她)姓名 可当他们跳起舞,; (她竟)偷走我爱人的心!/ 我还记得那(夜晚,)和那田纳西舞, 现在我感到多么痛苦。; 我已失去我的幸福, 自从 他俩跳起舞;那迷人的, 田纳西(舞曲。); 我还 田纳西(舞曲。)