发布:有风 / 时间:2021-01-30
在线编辑 历史版本

Try to Remember发布时间:2021-01-30

概要:歌曲名称《Try to Remember》,曲调:1=G,节拍:3/4,苍强曲谱还提供了《Try to Remember》相关的其他格式曲谱搜索与制作。

歌词段落:Try to re mem ber the kind of Sep tem ber When life was slow and oh, so mel low; Try to re mem ber the kind of Sep tem ber When grass was green and grain was yel low; Try to re mem ber the kind of Sep tem ber When you were a ten ber and cal low fel low; Try to re mem ber and if you re mem ber Then fol low; Fol low Fol low Fol low Fol low Fol low Fol low Fol low Fol low Fol low/ Fol low Fol low Fol low Fol low Fol low Fol low Fol low Fol low Fol low Try to re mem ber when life was so ten der That no one wept ex cept the wil low/ Try to re mem ber When life was so ten der that dreams were kept be side your pil low/ Try to re mem ber when life was so ten der that love was an em der a bout to bil low/try to re mem ber and if you re mem ber then Deep in De cem ber It's nice to re mem ber Al though you know the snow will fol low/ Deep in De cem ber It's nice to re mem ber with out a hurt the heart is hol low/ deep in de cem ber it nice to re mem ber the fire of sep tem ber that made us mel low/deep in de cem ber our hearts should re mem ber and
