发布:有风 / 时间:2020-11-09
在线编辑 历史版本



歌词段落:Starry,; starry; night paint your palette; blue and grey look out on a summer's; day with eyes that know the dark ness in my soul. Shadows ;on the hills sketch the trees and the daf fo dils catch the breeze and the winter; chills in colors; on the snowy; linen; land. now I under ;stand what you tried to say to me how you suffered; for your san i ty how you tried to set them free. They would not listen; they did not know how; perhaps they'll ;listen; now. now. For they could not love you but still your love was true and when no hope was left in side; on that. starry; starry; night You took your life as lovers ;often; do, But I could have told you Vincent; this world was never meant; for one as beauti;ful as you. lis tening still/ perhaps/ they will listen nowStarry; starry; night flaming; flowers that brightly; blaze swirling ;clouds in violet; haze re flect in Vincent's; eyes of China; blue. Colors; changing; hue morning; fields ;of am ber grain weathered; faces;; lined in pain are soothed beneath; the artist's ;loving ;hand.Starry,; starry; night portraits; hung in empty; halls frameless; heads on nameless; walls with eyes that watch the world and can't forget. Like the strangers that you've met the ragged men in; ragged; clothes the silver thorn of; bloody; rose. lie crushed and broken; on the virgin; snow.

曲谱:{play:A B1 C1 A B1 C2 A B2}\nA:\n005dx5dx1x2x|3---|003x2x1x5dx|\n2x3x5d--|003x2x1x5dx|2x3x5d-0x7dx|\n1x7dx5xd5dx5dx7dx1x2x|3-5dx5dx1x2x|3---|\n003x2x1x5dxx5dxx|2x3x5d--|003x2x1x5dxx5dxx|\n2x3x5d-0x7dx|1x7dx5dx5dx5dx7dx1x2x|3---|\n001x2x3x1x|2---|002x3x4x5x|\n\n3.3x3-|03x4x3x2x1x5dx|3x2x2--|\n02x2x2x3x4x2x|3x3x3x4x3x2x1x5dx|\nB1:\n23x(5dx5d)-|\n00x5dx7dx1x2x7dx|\nC1:\n1---|\nC2:\n11x1x23|32--|0x5dx2x2x34|\n5---|0345|5x5x5x4x(4xx3xx)3x4|\n5xb5x5x4x50x5x|5x4x4x3x3x1x2x3x|3-03x3x|\n4x3x3x2x2x3x0x3x|4x3x3x2x2x1x7dx1x|03x2x17d|\n1---]\nB2:\n1x5d(3x3)-|\n00x5dx7xd1x2x3x|(5---|5)---|||\n