歌词段落:主我再次/到祢跟前/浇奠我向/祢的爱/ 世上一切/都属虚/幻/唯有祢永/远真实/ 破碎的梦/荣耀冠冕/全摆在祢/宝座前/ 用我泪水/来洗祢的脚/唯祢能洗/我心灵/ 主我要敬拜/称谢/祢/祢是道路/真理生/命/ 每当我回转/归/向/祢/祢再次将我/更新/ /////////////////////////////////////// 人算什么/祢竟眷顾/离天家降/生尘世/ 流血舍身/为将我赎回/永/远归/祢所爱/ Lord here I am/ bowed at your feet/ offr ing my love/ un to you/ this pre sent world/ is il lu so ry/ But you will al/ways be true/ Glo ri ous crowns/ in ful filed dreams/ these I lay down/ at your throne/ cleans ing your feet/ with my fall ing tears/ let ting you cleanse/ out my soul/ lord I will wor ship/and thank/you/ you the way// the life the/ truth/ Each time I turn back/ un/to/you/then I find my life/ re newed/ /////////////////////////////////////// Lord what is man/ that you should care/ why did you come/ from a bove/ Yield ing as ran/som your pre cious blood/ Lord you de serve/ all my love